Introduction to the Gas Laws
What is Pressure?
What is Vacuum?
Composition of Air
What is Partial Pressure?
Dalton's Law
What is Gas?
What is Vapour Pressure?
What is mean free path?
The mean free path for some gases at 20° C and different pressures.
Avogadro's Law
What is a Mole?
What is a leak rate?
Avogadro´s Number
The relative masses of molecules
Boyle's Law
Charles' Law
The Law of Gay-Lussac
The Universal Gas Law
The Universal Gas Constant
The Individual Gas Constant
Individual gas constants for some gases (J/kg x K)
The Greek Alphabet
The Flow of Gases in Leaks
Helium Leak test on Heat Exchangers
Leak Detection and Measuring Methods
Leak Detection with Tracer Gas Methods
Leak Test with Laser Beam
Avogadro´s Number
Each gas in 1 mol (= 22.415 litre) at 0°C and 1,013 bar (760 Torr) has 6.023 x 10